Willow Green Acres is a multi-facilitated experience. One of those fun experiences is our Antique Mall. 70+ booths in a 7500 square foot building. Karen and I were excited to move Willow Green Acres to this property where an Antique Mall was up and running because we love vintage and antique items. Karen loves to display them in wonderful and unique ways and I love the thrill of the hunt! There is something about finding something you have never seen before. If I can, I buy it and enjoy it even if I may only own if for a brief time. It is such fun to find an item that is truly unique. Every once-in-a-while I'll share one of these finds. It may even be something I found in our mall! This is one of those items that we found on a recent buying trip. We just found four very unique chrome wire plant stands. The closest match I have found was attributed to a designer of great mid-century furniture and accessories named Russell Woodard. I am confident that they were either designed by him or one of his contemporaries. Either way, they are very rare, and very cool!! And they can be your very rare, very cool possession. They are available (probably for a very limited time) at Willow Green Acres. Sooooo Cooool!!